The Professor's Response
I need to run a t-test and/or ANOVA to determine the following:
1. was there weight loss as a result of overall diet programs?
2. Was there any difference between males and females in this regard
3. Were there differences between diet programs in terms of their impact on weight loss. Which program was best for losing weight.
I have the SPSS data file that took 3 types of diet programs. I am confused what tests to run and how.
See the professor's answer below.
It is hard to tell without knowing what your data consists of. It sounds like you might have collected weight-change measurements for each participant. If this is correct, you should be able to run an ANOVA for the data. If you are using gender and diet in your model, you could perform analysis using a complete factorial design assuming you have multiple women and men using each diet. Watch the videos and read the notes for section 10.4 to see if that seems like an approach that fits your data.